creating and positioning signs to boost business

3 Tips To Design Effective Indoor Signs

Signs play an important role in modern advertising. Companies often spend a significant amount of time and money developing outdoor signage for retail locations but neglect the indoor signage that customers see after entering their retail locations.

Indoor signs can have just as much influence on the purchasing decisions of consumers as their outdoor counterparts. Here are three tips that you can use to design more effective indoor signs in the future. 

1. Maintain Brand Consistency

All of your advertising materials should maintain a consistent theme. It's important that you carry your company's branding from exterior signage to indoor signs. Brand consistency is a simple and effective way to increase awareness of your company and solidify the value of your company in the minds of consumers. Your indoor signs should utilize a color palette, verbiage, and imagery that reflects the overall message your company tries to convey through branding.

2. Use Location to Inform Design

Indoor signs can be tricky to design. It's essential that you take the time to identify the display location of each indoor sign before you begin the design process. A sign that will appear on a counter near the register should have a drastically different design than a sign that will hang from the ceiling over a retail display. You can get away with incorporating more text into a smaller sign that customers can get close to. Large signs that are meant to be viewed from a distance should be kept simple and clean. Use the sign's future location to inform the design of your indoor signs, if you want to increase the effectiveness of your indoor signage over time.

3. Use a Focal Point

Indoor signs have to compete with a variety of other images. If you want your customers to understand the message each sign is trying to convey, you must design indoor signs around a focal point. The focal point is essentially the place on a sign where the customer is most likely to look first. For most signs, this is the center. Put the most important information in this focal point location to make it easier for your customers to identify the message you are trying to send.

A unique approach must be taken when designing indoor signs. You should always strive to maintain brand consistency, use the location of the sign to inform design, and design around a focal point when creating indoor signs for your business.

Contact a local indoor sign printing service to learn more. 
